Genre is the category of film, music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, theme, or subject matter. This helps the industry and consumer decide on what movie they would like to see and helps to put a label on the movie. The movie industry follows a formula when making a movie this then attract the people they are aiming for. As people decide what genre they suite e.g. comedy is seen for people that want to laugh as where a thriller is where people want a hard gripping story line that they will have to pay attention to. With people always going to the genre they like then they are reluctant to change their genre and see a different movie.
With in a certain genre there are codes and conventions. This can have its advantages and disadvantages. For the industry this helps them create the perfect movie as they know what the movie has to have with in it to attract the people that will want to see the movie. For the consumer the advantage of this is that they know what they are getting from a movie and they will know what to expect. At time this can get boring as people will find that the story line is repeated and has no real different to other similar movies. This then forces the industry to think of new ways to sell the story line. This then makes industries think of innovations and hybrid such as roncom. This is a mixed between romantic movies which can be serious with a hint of comedy to take some of the serious side of it taken out.
The industry creating the movie could represent the movie with in the trailer as being a thriller but in fact it has more scfi codes and conventions than it does a thriller movie therefore attracting the wrong people to the movie. This may be due to the iconography shown with in the trailer. With them showing the wrong genre that the movie is this will in turn give the people a false sense of security and will lead to dissatisfaction with the movie that they would have seen. This could then lead to poor reviews truing away the people that the movie industry wants to attract.
In conclusion the industry has always to market it the genre trufuly to gain the market that they are aiming for. Even if the market that the industry are aiming for is nichie market they will still make huge profit if the market the film genre right to attract the people. In the end it is up to the consumer on what they want to see with in the genre and the industry has to follow/ predict the taste and be able to predict when they have to invention the film genre. This can lead new movies and taste in the future. It can also create hybrids such as scfi thriller. But it is always hard to classify genre there for it is sometime difficult for the industry and consumer to put the movie in to a genre
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